Prices & offers

alex service: Tickets directly on the train at alextreff

Alternatively, many tickets are available in advance from agencies and travel centres, as well as from all points of sale along the route.

Here is an overview of all tickets available for alex. Naturally, we also accept all public transport passes and the Deutschlandtarif.

Special offers for day-trippers

Special offers for day-trippers

Day-trippers discover the alex network at low cost with the offers. Many excursion destinations can be reached on foot from the stations. Children often travel free of charge.

Commuters and frequent travellers

Commuters and frequent travellers

The alex commuter ticket allows commuters, schoolchildren, trainees and students to travel to work, university or school safely and relaxed at a reduced rate.

Einstieg in den alex mit Rad

Additional tickets

Information on group tickets and taking children, dogs and bicycles. Tip: Most excursion tickets include free transport for children up to the age of 14.
